Monday, November 4, 2013

Questions and Comments for Week 7

Please use this thread to post questions and comments on the readings and class discussion for Week 7.


  1. The v. Bush and v. Obama cases in the Guantanamo lecture.

    We have seen that there has to be special circumstances to sue the President because of his privilege and immunity.

    I was wondering what were the grounds and the standings of the several v. Bush and v. Obama cases that we briefly mentioned in the Guantanamo part of the previous lecture.

    I understand this can be a very broad question. I am definitely not seeking to see the standing of each and every case vs a president. But I presumed there may be some commonality in the standing of the Guantanamo cases that are v. Bush or v. Obama.

    Not anyone can sue the President how come the unfortunate inmates in Guantanamo were able to ?


    1. Great question. Immunity extends to suits for damages. A person can sue an executive official (even the president) for injunctive relief.

  2. (Ante, at 19.) or similar

    Is this a way to cite something? But I am not sure. I keep seeing the word "Ante" repeatedly and I am not sure what it is.

    One example can be found in the 4th to the last paragraph in Justice O'Connor's dissent in Kelo case.

    Is this a citation ? And what is the number after it?


    1. Ante means 'earlier in this same opinion.' So the author is referring the reader back to an earlier part of the opinion, at page 19.
